Volunteering days to keep footpaths clear
With the Heavens Valley now under common ownership, we are keen to make a quick start to improve the condition of the existing footpaths which the community uses to access the site. We will be starting by working with Stroud Valleys Project to deliver two volunteering days on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 February. You can sign-up to get involved through Stroud Valleys Project.
This will start with work to cut back vegetation overgrowing some of the most heavily-used and overgrown routes into the valley: focusing particularly on the path down from the Cemetery, from Highfields, and from the Bowbridge entrance – see the map below for target areas. We expect to tackle other areas of the site in future!
We will also be cutting back vegetation above the steep path from the cemetery which many of us will know from falling down it. The path has slipped down the bank significantly from its original position and we hope to be able to carry out work later in the year to move it further up the bank and make it easier for everyone to use. If you want to share your views on work to improve the cemetery path before we start please let us know by completing this form and we will be back in touch soon.
Why now?
We are starting this work now so we can make progress before the bird-nesting season starts when it will become more difficult to cut back vegetation without disturbing any wildlife.
Why are you prioritising this over other paths or work to improve access in other ways?
We have identified these paths as the most heavily-used and overgrown so far but still hope to cut back overgrowth elsewhere too. If you want to help us to do this please register your interest as a volunteer!
We know there is much more work to be done to improve path surfaces; replace gates / stiles; and generally improve accessibility. We are working on plans and securing funding to take this forward. We’d love to hear your views on areas we should be prioritising so please let us know your thoughts or register for updates.
What will you do with anything you cut down?
We will stack up anything cut during the day and leave it on the site, out of the way of the paths. These piles create great habitats for invertebrates.
Why don’t you just leave nature to do its thing?
Promoting nature recovery alongside access and recreation is at the core of our vision for the Heavens. This work is happening in a limited way on key public rights of way to keep these open and clear for the community to use.
Alongside this, we are working with a group of local ecologists to understand the various habitats on the site so we can tell the community about the opportunities to promote nature recovery. That will inform any additional plans we make to remove scrub / overgrown areas of the site.
Why are you working with Stroud Valleys Project and not doing yourselves?
Stroud Valleys Project have supported the Heavens Valley campaign since the start. While the CBS hopes to develop its own capability to run volunteering days in future, we are grateful to SVP for allowing us to borrow their staff time; tools; insurance policies; and expertise in making sure our first sessions are safe, legal and enjoyable for all.
I want to get involved, what do I need to do?
Space on the days is limited for safety reasons so please do register through Stroud Valleys Project. If the sessions are full please join the waiting list so we can let you know about future volunteering days.